2nd Edition, Revised Material

Life is Spiritual

“If I can work and practice a little more in disciplining my mind, my thoughts, my speech, and my writings, then perhaps I will be allowing my light to shine a little brighter today.”
~ Donald L. O’Dell

Happy Leap Day!

This is the perfect day to take new steps in the spiritual adventure we refer to as living.

Life is an ongoing transformation.

Life is an evolving Spiritual journey.

As a spiritual Christian the enjoyment and passion I feel moving though my days is steady and strong even while my body feels my actual age.

Happy Leap Day! I have improved clarity about my emotions, my thinking processes and renewed stamina from my inner wisdom.

I have improved clarity about my emotions, my thinking processes and renewed stamina from my inner wisdom.

Every day my strength grows as it resides within fueled by the Holy Spirit.

I am not prefect but know that new insights and understandings will fortify who I want to be now.

I have come to realize that along with the healing of my mind, which will transform the perceptions I have now, the process of opening my heart continues to uncover renew faith in myself and deeper experiences in day to day living.

"Miracles rearrange perception and place all levels in true perspective. This is healing because sickness comes from confusing the levels."
~ ACIM 23:1-2 | T-1.I.23:1-2

Being a spiritual Christian is understanding that life is an ongoing process of evolving. There is no God who judges me or cast aspersions upon my character. This type of thinking is old school to keep organized religion in conrol of your confidence.

To me, a simple method to fortify inner abilities is by recalling the five core life components (link is here).

My relationship with myself, and the Holy Spirit, is an ongoing discovery process, there is no recipe to follow as you do to bake a cake. At best, we figure out how to remind ourselves how to remain focused on guarding our thoughts and expectations as we navigate experiences.

“What is this precious love and laughter
Budding in our hearts?
It is the glorious sound
Of a soul waking up!”

~ Hafiz

Blessings, Don
February 29, 2024

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