2nd Edition, Revised Material

Life Is Richer Beyond Mere Thinking

"I don’t think myself into a new way of living, I live myself into a new way of thinking."
~ Donald L. O’Dell

Welcome to 2025, I am looking forward to this year and know it will bring many surprises, triumphs and revelations.

I am reminded, at this time of year, of a theme that strikes deep: Don’t Think So Much Sometimes … Just Do.

Early in my recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous I was mesmerized by one of the simple sayings of old-timers in the Program: “You don’t think yourself into a new way of living, you live yourself into a new way of thinking.”

I am reminded, at this time of year, of a theme that strikes deep: Don’t Think So Much Sometimes … Just Do

In the introduction to The Workbook for Students in A Course In Miracles (ACIM) there is a similar trajectory. I’ve added the Bold for emphasis.

“A theoretical foundation such as the text provides is necessary as a framework to make the exercises in this workbook meaningful. Yet it is doing the exercises that will make the goal of the course possible. An untrained mind can accomplish nothing. It is the purpose of this workbook to train your mind to think along the lines the text sets forth.

Some of the ideas the workbook presents you will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling. This does not matter. You are merely asked to apply the ideas as you are directed to do. You are not asked to judge them at all. You are asked only to use them. It is their use that will give them meaning to you and will show you that they are true."

As I’ve stated before, “I have to understand, on a visceral level, who the “Me” or “I” really is when I am speaking or thinking. The “I” that says to myself, “I really need a newer, more reliable car” is a different “I” than the one that says to Spirit, “I can’t do this anymore; help me perceive things the way You see them.”
(Preface, 2nd Edition, How the Bible became the Bible, O’Dell, p. xxvii)

May this new year enrich your thinking and your doing as well as your abilities.

I appreciate participating with you energetically as you read my messages. As always, feel free to forward this message to your friends, family, and those accompanying you on your spiritual journey.

How the Bible became the Bible 2nd Edition
© Copyright 2025, All Rights Reserved

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